Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 7, 2020


THEY ALL LIED TO US Yes, the sound is rolling.

Today is september 4, 2018.

We are in Potsdam in Mr.


(chainsaw) – Oh dear.

Goodbye, money box.

(yelling) (white noise) Oh yeah, Sharers, what is going on.

WHAT'S INSIDE the SAFE? Project Zorgo Hackers Challenge SPY NINJAS to OPEN MYSTERY BOX

what is up spy ninjas we have projectsare both safe right here inside of this safe is everything that we need todestroy projects or go forever only high-ranking party members get this andthat's the reason why I joined parties our goal to get what's

🔴The TRUTH about VPNs. You NEED to see this! 2020 (Kodi / Streaming / APK / Security)

hey guys welcome back now at the startof the new decade one of the most common things you're going to see advertisedeverywhere are VPNs now I mean on YouTube on Billboard's on Magazinepretty much everywhere where you look you're probably going to see a VPNadvert now there is good reason

Apollo Astronauts to speak at DMACC CI Week

Wow small steps to giant leaps that is the theme this week Tony and this is really a milestone anniversary for CIE it is ten years I mean it's it's been a kind of a long journey so to speak what's kind of ironic is our very very first year

This Fall DMACC students, staff and faculty will be able to ride DART for FREE

welcome back to Iowa live little Michelle here being joined by a couple of people that we had the honor of spending some time with last Friday we had a whole lot of fun of course we do have the president of D Mac Rob Denson joining us here in

DMACC Job Fair and Truck Rodeo

we're back at the DMACC transportation Institute over on 54th Street they have a big job fair and truck rodeo going on here today and then a little bit tomorrow as

Live at the Iowa State Fair with DMACC

one of our friends are you seen on this program many times who is set up shop over at the Iowa State Fair Jackie who you with you said it perfectly Lou how lucky am I first of all in the varied industry building that I get to hang out

ACE PILOT | I Like Those Odds – War Thunder ad

don't be too close drop it come on yes war Thunder is a military vehicle combat online game if it looks mean and it was made between the 1930s and the 1990s

War Thunder – ОБЗОР SAV 20.12.48

Hello all Friends, Pasha Freeman is back with you And in today's review we will talk about premium Swedish tank destroyer SAV 20.

Weekly Recap | April Fools Edition – Overwatch, War Thunder, Warframe, Newegg & More!

World of Tanks gives the big guns to the littleguy, The zombies in dying light get Unturned, War Thunder knows who has toilet paper instock and Newegg has the perfect PC mod to take your gaming rig from Sad to Rad! Whats up guys,

Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 7, 2020

Vorsicht Betrug beim Kamera und Objektiv Kauf über Amazon. Bei diesen Angeboten ist dein Geld weg.

hello everyone and welcome to thisvideo today is about a really brazen scam at amazon demactually the world's largest online dealerwhere you should assume that something like that is actually not possible there andthat you're in good hands here as a buyer, i got theregood friend asked me for advice has to buy a camera in the


THEY ALL LIED TO US Yes, the sound is rolling. Today is september 4, 2018. We are in Potsdam in Mr.