don't be too close drop it come on yes war Thunder is a military vehicle combat online game if it looks mean and it was made between the 1930s and the 1990s
there's a very good chance it's in this game because you has over 1,500 vehicles including tanks aircrafthelicopters and ships it is free to play and available on PC ps4 Xbox one and supports cross-platform between PC and consoles if you think you could be interested there will be a link below this one is one of those games where everyone I know to some extent already
plays it so it was surprisingly easy to get the gang together because lately they seem to be always busy anyways a massive thank you to war thunder for sponsoring this video and enjoy she's really the message I just fired all my Rockets of information audience are you go
one year though oh my god the machine-gun noises so crazy all scale what pilots died a lot back then hey I'm leaking oil I'm leaking water I'm leaking fuel anon leaking on my pants I have one rocket I'm gonna drop this destroyer with one rocket watch this oh
yeah I'm gonna hit right in the magazine and blow it up out of the water okay miss look how many there are ahead of me right there's no way I'm coming take half I think the other huh what if we come from the top and like hit him
with the rocket you couldn't even hear shit let him play it was very elusive destroyer okay he was yeah yeah I'm sure it was evasive maneuvers I'll pass how do we even get this job or look at the rule the standards go whale oh yeah if you responsible
I mean I'm sure don't need my pilot sir he's gonna yellow I don't know the most expendable part of the plane you okay so you press space to open your Bombay huh yeah oh wait no damn I told him you've also got air brakes that you can use
it's late so I'll be home hhhh oh never mind them alright I'm dropping do it don't breathing right I'm jumping mine it'll break right follow me yeah there they go and you drop yours here we go boom all died only ones you killed it dude yeah nice one
is I still have gusta porn oh you're on fire oh yeah oh so was it going your seymour walk in my site i can't see i have oil all over my screen oh my god this is it this is it here we go guys I have terrible news
and war is going to start in 20 hours in 8 minutes oh I'm really sorry you know definitely here our stomach yeah pulse be fired right here yeah oh I don't like bugs how do ya hey hold on oh I'm brushing cuz your airspeed is too low huh
that's pit fires crash why are you following it down is it yeah I was just doing some evasive maneuver evasive maneuver is it spins in a flat space that was a heavy explosion yeah there's support I am big get plane kills bandits I'm coming incoming incoming water [Music]
[Applause] you have the best shit by you diapers fire torpedo oh he's polluting the water uncool what about the 32gb 200 I just crashed into another ship that's a square order yiii I'm right behind him he doesn't see me watch this watch this you're watching yeah hold my
beer I have an idea oh god damn it what the hell does he mean those questions coming I'll take credit for that oh no one go one nice yes oh oh that was satisfying man oh I'm getting sure that would sure use your name good question how many
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