what is up spy ninjas we have projectsare both safe right here inside of this safe is everything that we need todestroy projects or go forever only high-ranking party members get this andthat's the reason why I joined parties our goal to get what's
inside the safe what should passwordto the safe housecode hello V quaint purchaser or leader Iknow you have the safe that does not belong to you anymoreno no leader the safe right here I gave you $10,000 to rank up and I completedall the challenges so I earned the safest safe belongs to me and
you nevergave me the passcode to this V point do you think I'm a foolI saw you rescue Daniel chat and Regina you betrayed project Zuko did you hear how worried the leadersounded he sounded like he really needed this safe back must be something superimportant in here yeah whatever
is in here can destroy projects or go that'swhy he's worried until we open it out yes wait we can only type in onepasscode every 24 hours maybe we can get inside without actually having to passany Colson's I noticed that there's like a hole here in the back mmm
don't seeanything super dark we should shove something in there you know how you're amaster locksmith beep oh yeah you could do that through this hole maybe unlockit I know exact tool to use for this with you here's my psychic safety is true you did get my keys outof
my DeLorean when I locked me in there that one time and then when we're in thesafe house when Daniel was tied up I connected this end with a spy pen andtry to spy on Daniel who had Daniel tied up oh rajid ah that's right you tied meup to
a chair you're like push me in the face don'tyou in the face actually you did you you poked me in the facethe Pope's different than a punch it's close enough there hurt like heck wellwe're all living here now we're all friends forgive and forget Daniel jeezget over it
you're the one who brought up Chad oh yeah I forgotnow it's long enough talking okay good good pick it like you pick your nose vyou know I don't do that careful B I don't want it toself-destruct gotta listen closely here Oh guys I think I met the lock
hello itmight I don't know might lick your eye or something oh no oh my goshsee what's in there yeah yeah but don't use your iPhone you're right Chad Ishouldn't use my eyeballs but I got the spy pen hmm well we could pick it in thelittle hole you see
right here there's a camera like so surface oh but now we'regonna see I have a live feed on my phone you put it in more put all the way inthere don't put it in all the way something I'll grab italright I guess there's a good thing it doesn't
fit all the way Daniel oh it'sreally dark any fuzzy and you blurry rotate thecamera a little bit rotating wait what what was that oh you see that I thinkshe really saw something move there is an animal or something in there well ifit's an animal or something alive how
is something alive gonna help us defeatprojects or go maybe we'll eat them something thissmall could eat a hacker I don't know she's watching a lot of science fictionmovies lately we're playing a lot of pac-man's if there's something alive inthere we should be able to hear it moving or
breathing or something rightyeah I have a device for this chat my ninja backpack here's my listeningdevice oh all right pull it my dear what do youhear Chad yeah quiet on set I need to listen in complete silenceokay geez maybe you should answer it pretend againto like be a
project on the side so you can get the passcode would youokay but then you start inside okay v quaint hardship so co-leader I knowthat you think I'm back with the spy ninjas but I'm really not I'm justtricking chat Daniel Regina I'm in their safe house right now I'm
going to stopyou right there I have already assigned a team toclosely watch your YouTube videos based on what they saw it is obvious you arestill a spy ninja hey guys project server watches all ofour videos that's why I couldn't tell you guys my secret and I needed to
keepit a secret for a reason Oh would you like to see what willhappen if you don't return the safe no no you don't scare me touch a circlealways farting anyways girl you didn't get the passcode though so what do we donow the projects are a leader must know
that whatever's in here could destroythem forever I don't think is anything alive whatabout you ninja gadgets chat yes outside ok spy ninjas are you right to open up asafe yeah I've got my new spy ninja backpack right here I don't know if youguys have seen this oh allah
just proved it for back to school right oh yeah I'ma little bit late I know school or research but Raphael these are for youthat's you because you're cool but rude but a spicy dude Daniel do you know whatthese are some type of gadgets is your trusty side who's
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