one of our friends are you seen on this program many times who is set up shop over at the Iowa State Fair Jackie who you with you said it perfectly Lou how lucky am I first of all in the varied industry building that I get to hang out
with the president this morning and one of our favorites when it comes to the CW Iowa live Morning Show of course that's president Rob Denson with d-mac thank you so much for joining us this morning how are you doing it's very good it's always fun to come to
the fair I'll be here for three days this is I'm just this I'm just getting into it you're devoting three days to the great Iowa State Fair it's worth it but it's a great time just to meet a lot of people of course we're in the governor's deer
show tomorrow and my wife sings in the Ankeny choir she'll be singing here Sunday afternoon at 4:00 free plug so but so we'll be here as much as we want so my grandkids who were here last year when you interview interviewed me will be here with them tomorrow
and Sunday and so they're already having a list of all the foods they want to make sure they hit so some of my favorites along with that but if you see this gentleman walking around the great Iowa State Fair come up and say hello because you are just
a plethora of knowledge when it comes to helping people get into great education well it's a great time there are a lot of jobs open right now of all these middle skill jobs that require more than high school but no more than a two-year degree d-max served over
36,000 credit students last year with an average class size of 18 we've got the lowest tuition and fees in the state if you don't run credit classes we've got another 22,000 students that come to us for continuing ed certificates I mean we work with all the businesses to
make sure they get the workers their need they need so anyone who is unhappy with their income their career pathway or just what they're doing or they're unemployed come see DMACC and it's it is not too late we start classes August 23rd of course we would always prefer
people to plan a little longer but we'll have a big rush the next two weeks and we bring in a number of additional temporary advisors and counselors to work with students so we'll get you in as quick as we can money is not an issue either for the
federal pell money or state or federal or scholarships so we'll do everything we can on our end to help someone get started right away because the good news is there are very good jobs that pay very well that are open right now all throughout central Iowa and beyond
let's talk about some of those just off the hand what are some of the hot commodity jobs that are paying really good money right now healthcare the RN LPN and on the way to the BSN that's big IT we've worked with Shazam they hire our students as interns
paid during the year they've got a hundred and forty-four of our students in their IT department in West Des Moines averaging 90,000 a year to year tool and I we've got a program with a Q mold and others that will hire our manufacturing students at our welders pay
very well premiere we just opened up a high school apprenticeship program with premier and Pella schools truck driving I mean and one of my favorite things to do semi I do and I you know Freightliner gives me my own semi every year Harrison trucking has been a great
partner and my wife and I and the kids we do trades all over central Iowa but it's to get the word out again you know we're not promising something that that won't deliver a great job so anybody that wants to improve their lives emit the main thing that
they need to put in is a little bit of time and energy and again we'll help them find the money to the extent we can so money shouldn't be the issue just just the decision to move your life ahead that's all we need and I'm glad you said
that because a lot of times whether you're just a graduating high school senior or you're wanting to take that next step in life one of the first thing that hits you I don't think I'm gonna be able to afford it and you're saying don't let that even be
a word absolutely absolutely because if money is the issue for you the federal government through Pell the state through a number of funding programs particularly in high demand areas you know come and see us and we'll do everything we can again to make it affordable and our Foundation
has some scholarship dollars available so at least check it out I mean it's like when you don't want to go to the doctor when you feel bad because you don't know what the news is going to be come in and see us and we'll tell you anything if
you can't get in for this fall or decide not to spring term starts in January then we've got summer so I mean we're we are always taking students and we also have a very large online program with some degrees that you can get online so if you can't
get on to our campuses as often as you'd like take an online course I mean we offer it in various formats and our goal is to help you get a better life so all you need to do is come give us a chance it sounds like you have
everything covered so everyone can have that opportunity absolutely I mean DMACC is 52 years old I mean this is not our first rodeo I mean we understand what to do our counselors and advisors and our financial aid office I mean we're professionals at this we have got phenomenal
faculty that are very very proficient in their academic field and then we've got all the support staff including me that helps students get in so we've got a beautiful facility we've got free tutoring I mean if you struggled in math or English or anything else we've got free
tutoring on all our campus sites and it's no matter where you live in central Iowa whether it's Carroll story city Indianola Newton Boone all over I mean we are within driving distance of you and also if you're still in high school talk to your counselor about taking career
advantage courses with DMACC last year we awarded over a hundred and twenty thousand credits to high school students in the 54 K twelves within the DMACC district and those are free classes for the high school students working with the k-12 I mean and that's a great way to
get a jump not only save money but to get a jump on your career because this past year we had about forty eight students that actually finished their two-year degree with DMACC the week before they graduate from high school I mean you need to talk to your counselor
set up a plan and at least get a year knocked out so you start as a junior wherever you go and everybody takes DMACC credits we work with all the universities and private colleges students from d-mac go all over the United States and probably the world because everybody
loves DMACC credits because they know the quality that we have and when our students leave they do very well no matter where they go don't you love this guy and can't you just tell the passion that he has and that's why he's the president and he has hands-on
ready to tell you why you need to make adamak a part of your future you can learn more by heading to the website DMACC edu or stop by the varied industries building they're gonna be here every single day at the great Iowa State Fair they have some fun
giveaways there's going to be doing as well but more importantly they have the knowledge you need to make a better you jockey Schmeling reporting live from the great Iowa State Fair president thank you very much always great to see you back to you guys
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